Lidl sets net zero commitment by 2050 with new climate targets

The supermarket retailer aims to cut greenhouse gases across its supply chain, with targets for agriculture and energy sectors, while collaborating closely with suppliers



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4 October 2024

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Lidl has recently announced a Net Zero by 2050 commitment based on new ambitious climate targets in its supply chain. 

The supermarket retailer is significantly intensifying its commitment to sustainable business practices and climate mitigation as part of its international ‘A Better Tomorrow’ sustainability strategy.

To date, Lidl has already recorded a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Ireland (compared to 2019) as part of Lidl’s commitment to reduce operational emission by 46% by 2030. 

The company attributes this reduction to its use of 100 percent green electricity[1] in each of its 180 stores across the region and its Regional Distribution Centres in Mullingar, Newbridge and Charleville since 2019, alongside a wide range of other sustainability initiatives.

Reduce emissions

Lidl is now expanding its climate strategy to include new, concrete net-zero targets in its upstream and downstream value chain, otherwise known as Scope 3 emissions, where more than 90 percent of its total emissions are generated. 

Targets include a 42.4 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture, forestry and other land (FLAG emissions) and 35 percent reduction in its emissions in the energy and industry sector (E+I emissions) by 2034.[2]

The company is also working closely with its strategic suppliers, who are responsible for 75 percent of product-related Scope 3 emissions, to set their own climate targets by 2026 in accordance with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) criteria – a global initiative that supports companies in setting science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the latest climate science.

Lidl is also supporting its suppliers to achieve these targets through its dedicated Supplier Engagement Programme, offering a wide range of assistance and training opportunities including enrolment in the Supplier Leadership on Climate Targets (LOCT) online academy.

Milestones already achieved

  • Using 100 percent green electricity since 2018, contributing to Lidl’s global reduction of 52 percent of its operational CO2 emissions (Scope 1 & 2)[3] .
  • Investment of more than €12 million on solar panel installation at more than 85 stores in Ireland & Northern Ireland
  • Launch of Ireland’s first Beef Sustainability Programme in partnership with Bord Bia, Liffey Meats & Beef Farmers
  • €20 million investment in low Global Warming Potential refrigeration equipment since 2018
  • Installation of customer EV charging bays at 75 stores
  • Installation of Heat Pumps in 46 new stores
  • 11 largest suppliers on boarded onto a bespoke Supplier Engagement Programme designed to support suppliers in reducing their environmental impact
  • Installation of LED lighting in all stores

“Lidl has already made significant progress in climate mitigation. We want to offer our customers products at affordable prices that are in line with our climate targets,” said Elaine O’Connor, head of Sustainability, Lidl Ireland & Northern Ireland. 

O’Connor noted that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. 

“With ambitious goals and determined action, we at Lidl are taking on this task and doing our part to be part of the solution.”

 Science based targets 

The companies of Schwarz Group joined the Science Based Targets initiative back in 2020 to help meet the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement. 

Lidl has formulated its own climate strategy with additional climate targets as part of the Schwarz Group companies’ climate strategy.

 Lidl takes responsibility and contributes to achieving the Paris climate protection goals with its climate offensive as part of its international CSR strategy.

 Read more: Lidl Ireland becomes first retailer to reach 100m DRS returns



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