CSNA Skillnet to host free retail training seminar

CSNA Skillnet will host seminar offering profitable training solutions to retailers
CSNA Skillnet will host seminar offering profitable training solutions to retailers

CSNA Skillnet, the training segment of the Convenience Stores and Newsagents Association, has announced plans to hold a seminar offering retail training opportunities to business owners, managers and other members of the industry.



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30 July 2019

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CSNA Skillnet has announced plans for an upcoming seminar that will mark the official launch of the vibrant learning network. The training division of the Convenience Stores and Newsagents Association (CSNA) and the Skillnet Ireland Learning Network will host a unique seminar specifically designed to offer profitable retail training solutions for business owners and managers this Autumn.

The seminar will take place at The Crowne Plaza, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 on Thursday, 12 September, from midday until 4pm. Although the seminar is entirely free to attend, pre-booking is essential; interested parties should visit csnaskillnet.ie to book your place today.

Top industry speakers will provide training led solutions and information on a range of key topics including; valuation rent and rates, insurance, security, safety, recruitment and multistore management. The agenda has been carefully devised to showcase a selection of the many profit-driven solutions one can avail of through engaging with CSNA Skillnet courses.

CSNA Skillnet network manager Victoria Bolger will also be on hand throughout the afternoon to discuss any bespoke training requirements that participants may have.
“We are really looking forward to this seminar,” said Bolger. “The aim is to provide as many valuable retail solutions as we possibly can to the attendees to ensure it is a really worthwhile afternoon for all.
“Naturally,” she added, “all solutions will be training led so anyone who hasn’t yet engaged with our CSNA Skillnet courses is encouraged to come along and check out what the network can do for you.”


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