Fresh from the fields

The Florette Crispy mix is the number one selling bagged salad and the brand forecasts its new Sweet Crispy mix will increase sales by 20%
The Florette Crispy mix is the number one selling bagged salad and the brand forecasts its new Sweet Crispy mix will increase sales by 20%

With Ireland’s fresh produce market worth in excess of €1.18 billion, more and more consumers are realising the benefits of achieving their ‘five-a-day’


Brand Central

12 April 2012

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At a glance: Fruit & Veg

  • 48% of consumers claim to be eating fresh vegetables and 43% eating fresh fruit on a daily basis*
  • In 2010, four out of five (80%) of fruit types bought by Irish shoppers were fresh while 70% of all vegetable types purchased were fresh produce*
  • The traditional meat and two veg is the most popular main meal in Ireland with 18% of consumers eating that at least once during the week*
  • *(Source: Bord Bia) 
  • The Irish strawberry market is estimated to be worth in the region of €50 million; up on last years figure of €38 million by an increase of over 31% (Source: Kantar)
  • In Ireland shoppers buy prepared salad on average 12.5 times per year but in the UK that average is 14.1 
  • Half of all Florette’s salads are traditionally sold during the summer months of May, June, July and August
  • 96% of BBQs now include a salad (Source: Shoppercentric)
  • The Florette Crispy mix is the number one selling bagged salad
Irish consumers are purchasing more fresh fruit and vegetables in their weekly shop compared to three years ago according to research from Bord Bia. The food board reported that in 2010, four out of five (80%) of fruit types bought by Irish shoppers were fresh while 70% of all vegetable types purchased were fresh produce.
Consumers also indicated that as well as increasing the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables purchased they have also increased their daily intake of fresh produce. In fact, 48% of consumers claim to be eating fresh vegetables and 43% eating fresh fruit on a daily basis.
Of those eating more fresh fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, 70% claim they do so for health benefits as consumers continue to realise how healthy and nutritional fresh produce really is. Fruit and vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, fibre, antioxidants and have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer.
In total the retail fresh produce market in Ireland to December 2010 was worth €1.18 billion driven by high household penetration for the fresh produce category. While the recognised health benefit of fresh produce is a motivator for purchasing fresh produce, Bord Bia’s research also shows consumers believe fruit and vegetables represent good value for money.
The results of Bord Bia’s recent ‘What Ireland ate last night’ study show that the traditional meat and two veg is the most popular main meal in Ireland with 18% of consumers eating that at least once during the week.
Michal Slawski, Horticulture Division, Bord Bia, said that overall, 85% of consumers had vegetables with their main meal, with the five most popular being carrots 52%, onions 48%, peas 24%, tomatoes 24% and peppers 23%. And although eating trends have changed somewhat, potatoes are still the most popular carbohydrate with a 40% share of meals (not including another 16% that featured chips or wedges), ahead of rice and pasta with a combined 27%.
The good news continues for fresh produce in desserts, with fruit salads the second most popular choice with 19%, behind ice cream with 41%. The market for fresh fruits such as strawberries has also grown significantly in recent years with a 2011 Kantar report showing there had been a 24% increase in the value of strawberry sales compared to the previous year, to reach €53.5 million. 
The figures also showed that while frequency of purchase is down a little, when consumers do buy strawberries they are buying 8% more by volume. This compares very favourably with the overall fruit market, which grew in value by 4% in the same period to reach €524 million last year. 
The Florette Crispy mix is the number one selling bagged salad and the brand forecasts its new Sweet Crispy mix will increase sales by 20%

The Florette Crispy mix is the number one selling bagged salad and the brand forecasts its new Sweet Crispy mix will increase sales by 20%

Big opportunities can be bagged 

Despite the continuing tough economic environment for all food categories, Sandy Sewell, commercial director at Florette, believes there are big opportunities in 2012 to increase salad sales as a result of the key sporting events taking place. These will form the basis of social events across the country this summer and BBQs will undoubtedly sit at the centre of alfresco gatherings.
In Ireland shoppers buy prepared salad on average 12.5 times per year but in the UK that average is 14.1. Florette believes that if Irish shoppers can be inspired to purchase an extra three bags, with the significant investment behind the brand, this would be worth €7.4m to the category.
2012 is set to be a year like no other due to its landmark summer of sport – Euro 2012 and the Olympics – and provides key opportunities to increase frequency of sales across the summer. Florette has invested in its largest marketing spend to date of €6 million in the UK and Ireland to help make these opportunities for growth a reality and therefore help grow the brand and category and help maximise sales for retailers. This spend includes a heavyweight integrated advertising campaign using TV, print, radio and digital channels to reach consumers. 
Euro 2012 and the Olympics mean consumers will be hosting events that call for BBQs. Florette expects these sporting occasions to bring a significant uplift in sales, so retailers need to make sure they don’t miss out. 

Florette is investing in a summer-long promotion this year to engage consumers with the brand to maximise seasonal sales benefits and it will be supported by a season of heavyweight TV, radio, digital and press advertising. The brand’s ‘Summer of Feelgood’ campaign kicks off on 28 May and will see Florette working with sporting ambassadors Roger Black, Sally Gunnell and Colin Jackson. An on-pack promotion will be featured on 15 million bags of Florette salad, enabling shoppers to ‘bag a day’ with one of these sporting heroes, bringing interest and vibrancy to the shelf. Florette is investing in a heavyweight package of digital support, including advertising, social media engagement and viral seeding, to further extend the campaign reach by building an engaging digital dialogue with consumers. TV and print advertising will also amplify the campaign.
Along with the headline sporting hero day, which can be won by an individual, family or community, the promotion has a supporting tier of prizes giving customers the chance to nurture their sporting talent or just ‘feel good’. This includes sailing and snowboard lessons, through to spa days and shopping experiences. 
Importantly, during this summer of celebration, while many events will be planned to include a BBQ, because many centre on a key sporting occasion, Florette will see them still go ahead if weather is unsettled, they will just be moved indoors – as will the salad! 
The summer months prompt a significant rise in sales for Florette – 50% of its salads are traditionally sold during the summer months of May, June, July and August. This is in part because salad is synonymous with the barbecue season and due to the unpredictable nature of our weather, consumers often plan barbecues last minute, so convenience is key. This means pre-packed salads are the ideal choice as they can be grabbed straight from the fridge and served. Florette’s data, from its research with Shoppercentric, shows that 96% of BBQs now include a salad.

Guaranteeing freshness

By stocking Florette, retailers can be reassured that it maintains its freshness longer as the Florette brand is committed to delivering quality at every step and this means longer lasting freshness – its seven day use by date is industry-leading. This ‘added-value shelf-life’ means a Florette salad bag will stay fresher on the shelf for longer, therefore reducing wastage – in other words, it represents a fresh product that delivers convenience. This is also a selling point for consumers, who can be reassured that if they make the purchase and the sun never appears, they can still enjoy a fresh salad, days after purchase.
The Florette Crispy mix is still the number one selling bagged salad as a result of its versatility and the brand believes it is therefore a core line for retailers to stock year-round. To harness the success of its signature product, Florette has created its Sweet Crispy mix, which the company forecasts will increase sales by 20%. This is a new variant for those who prefer sweeter or milder leaf mixes, designed to satisfy the palettes of existing Florette fans, as well as attract significant numbers of new shoppers to the brand and the crispy salad segment as a whole. 
The Crispy NPD development will be the hero of Florette’s 2012 €6m marketing campaign in the UK and Ireland, taking pride of place across the brand’s significant TV and national print spend to help further drive value and new users to the category during what is set to be a key season.
A E10 Dublin Zoo family discount will be available on Freddy Fyffes packs over a period of eight weeks

A €10 Dublin Zoo family discount will be available on Freddy Fyffes packs over a period of eight weeks

Fyffe times more fun at the zoo 

Freddy Fyffes is the sponsor of the new Gorilla Rainforest at Dublin. To celebrate this, the company is launching a €10 Dublin Zoo family discount promotion on its Freddy Fyffes pack from 16 April for eight weeks.
The on-pack promotion provides consumers with €10 off a family ticket to Dublin Zoo when they collect just five Freddy Fyffes stickers. There will be a collector card in each bag of Freddy Fyffes and there will also be a free Gorilla photo inside which kids can collect. 
The promotion will be supported via Today FM’s breakfast show, social media and via outdoor advertising retail formats; six sheets, trolley bays and trolley handles.
The Freddy Fyffes brand appears on Fyffes packs of small bananas – specially selected for children and just the right size to fit into a school lunchbox. Through the promotion of the Freddy Fyffes brand, Fyffes hope to make the banana more appealing to children and to encourage youngsters towards their five-a-day. 


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