New research shows that white bread is good for you

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White bread is a low-fat, good value food that provides significant amounts of fibre, and as much calcium, iron and folic acid as brown bread, says IUNA


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13 June 2012

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White bread

Research carried out by the Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance (IUNA) into Irish eating habits shows that white bread makes a positive contribution to Irish people’s diets. 

The report found that 80% to 90% of people consume on average, one to two slices of white bread everyday.  As white bread is a low fat food, it is the lowest contributor of fat of any food in the Irish diet. In addition, the research showed that white bread is one of the main contributors of folic acid, calcium, fibre and iron. In fact, Irish people get as much iron from white bread as they do from meat and fish dishes.

“The good news for bread eaters is that white bread is not fattening.  Many people mistakenly eliminate white bread out of the diet when seeking to lose weight,” says Dr Mary McCreery, consultant clinical nutritionist and dietitian at the Blackrock Clinic in Dublin.

“To eliminate any food group out of the diet, especially bread, is totally unnecessary and will affect the nutrient content of the diet. Young women need to pay particular attention to the calcium, iron and folic acid content of their diets. Crash dieting is not effective in weight loss and has been around as long as conventional science. All fad diets work by either removing or limiting intake of carbohydrate. Based on pseudo-science and typically promoted by self-proclaimed and non-qualified experts these so called ‘miracle diets’ only offer quick fixes that don’t last.”

Irish women get four times more calories from alcohol than they do from fat that is present in white bread. Whilst brown and wholemeal bread does offer extra fibre, white bread is a low-fat, good value food that also contributes significant amounts of fibre, while giving people just as much calcium, iron and folic acid.   



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