Recent surveys highlight Irish shoppers’ commitment to supporting local brands

Pictured at the event was Brid O’Connell, CEO, Guaranteed Irish (centre) with speakers and sponsors Owen Keogh, Musgrave, head of sustainability; Emma Walls, Glenisk, commercial director; Ray Kelly, marketing director, Musgraves; Grainne Callanan, head of Cork office Mathesons. Brian Murphy, Deloitte, partner Audit & Assurance | Consumer & Technology Business and Fiona Twomey, Bord Bia, global retail specialist (Pic: John Allen/Provision) Three recent independent surveys carried out by Guaranteed Irish, Musgrave, and Bord Bia show that the Irish public are purposefully supporting buying local brands which is good news for local business and consequently good news for the environment. Today at an event called ‘Cracking Sustainability in the Face of Rising Costs, held by Guaranteed Irish and SuperValu,’ Fiona Twomey of Bord Bia, The Irish Food Board, announced the result of their recent survey which found that “Irish consumers remain committed to supporting locally produced food with almost two in three buying local produce on at least a weekly basis, and over half expecting to increase their frequency of purchase in the next six months’. At the event in Cork, the expert panel of speakers included Owen Keogh, Head of Sustainability at Musgrave, Brian Murphy, Partner Lead Best Managed Companies Programme and Audit & Assurance Partner, Deloitte, Emma Walls, Commercial Director at Glenisk and Fiona Twomey, Global Retail Specialist, Bord Bia.                                                                                             Also in attendance were some great local brands showcasing their products. Kate Dempsey (Kinsale Mead), Leonie Lynch (Juspy), Maurice Gilbert (Ballyhoura Apple Farm), Colette Twomey (Clonakilty) & Hanna Backmo (Hanna’s Bees Wraps Ltd.)

Surveys highlight "the importance of collectively promoting provenance with pride"



22 June 2023

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Independent surveys carried out by Guaranteed Irish, SuperValu, and Bord Bia showing that the Irish public are consciously supporting local brands, were highlighted at a recent event featuring prominent speakers.

On Thursday, 15 June,  at an event called ‘Cracking Sustainability in the Face of Rising Costs’, held by Guaranteed Irish and sponsored by SuperValu and Centra, Bord Bia’s Fiona Twomey, announced the results of their recent survey.

This found Irish consumers remain committed to supporting locally produced food. Almost two in three buy local produce on a weekly basis, and over half expect to increase their frequency of purchase of local produce in the next six months.

The expert panel of speakers at the event in Cork included Owen Keogh, head of Sustainability at Musgrave, Brian Murphy, partner lead, Best Managed Companies Programme and Audit & Assurance partner, Deloitte, Emma Walls, commercial director at Glenisk and Fiona Twomey, global retail specialist, Bord Bia.

Research carried out by Red C for 2023 confirmed that 79% of consumers who bought from Guaranteed Irish businesses believe they are supporting a sustainable economy, with 69% agreeing that buying from Guaranteed Irish businesses helped reduce carbon footprint.

A survey by SuperValu in May this year showed that 99% of shoppers buy Irish products while 83% would be influenced to buy a product that displays the Guaranteed Irish ‘G’ symbol.

The most recent survey by Bord Bia showed that consumers are more intent on buying Irish products to support local businesses than ever.

Owen Keogh, Musgrave Group, head of Sustainability, said Musgrave has invested in sustainability over many decades. “I am delighted to see so many of the Guaranteed Irish members also committed to making their businesses and products more sustainable,” he said. “By harnessing our collective effort, we can really accelerate the progress made in the Irish food and drinks sector.”

Meanwhile, Emma Walls from Glenisk said that her company’s focus on sustainability has been a major part of its success. “Our customers can have confidence that buying locally is buying sustainably from a Guaranteed Irish business,” she added.

Brian Murphy, Deloitte partner, spoke about of the Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey, which highlighted employees in those categories “have high expectations from business leaders and expect them to drive progress on DEI, societal impact, climate change and environmental sustainability”.

Adding to the atmosphere of the event, was local Cork based food and drink suppliers, showcasing, and sampling their products. These included Kate Dempsey (Kinsale Mead), Leonie Lynch (Juspy), Maurice Gilbert (Ballyhoura Apple Farm), Colette Twomey (Clonakilty) and Hanna Backmo (Hanna’s Bees Wraps Ltd).

The event concluded with Brid O’Connell, CEO Guaranteed Irish, welcoming the result of all three surveys, which each highlighted the importance of collectively promoting provenance with pride.



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