‘Stop Crime Against Retailers’ campaign urges immediate Government action as crime escalates across Ireland

100% of Irish retailers surveyed report being targeted by crime in the past year - CSNA demands urgent action



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22 October 2024

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A ShelfLife Magazine campaign, Stop Crime Against Retailers, will host a conference at Fallon & Byrne in Dublin, tomorrow, 23 October. 

The campaign and conference is calling for immediate government action to combat the alarming rise in crime threatening retailers nationwide. 

The event, spearheaded by ShelfLife in partnership with the CSNA (Convenience Stores & Newsagents Association), will highlight the urgent need for stronger legislative protections and enhanced Garda response times, as criminal activity continues to cripple the retail sector.

Retailer survey

A recent ShelfLife retailer survey has revealed that 100% of retailers have experienced criminal activity in the past year, ranging from shoplifting and violent robbery to employee theft and gang intimidation. 

The findings also indicate that 89% of retailers feel these crimes are becoming more dangerous, underscoring the escalating risks to both businesses and staff. 

The full research data will be shared with retailers and the trade at tomorrow’s event.

Vincent Jennings, CEO, CSNA, said: “Retailers are the backbone of our communities, yet they are facing unprecedented levels of crime that threaten their livelihoods. We are calling on the government to act immediately. This isn’t just about theft; it’s about the safety of our business owners, staff, and customers. It’s time to introduce stronger protections.”

Also addressing the issue, John McDonald, publisher, ShelfLife, said: “Retailers are facing a crime epidemic, from shoplifting to violent assaults on staff. The government must act now to ensure faster justice and stronger protections for businesses that are integral to our communities.”

Five urgent asks from the CSNA:

  1. Stronger legal protections for retailers, including defamation law amendments.
  2. The introduction of ASBOs and night courts to handle retail crime swiftly and effectively.
  3. Direct access to local Garda stations for faster, rather than relying on 999 for a more effective crime response.
  4. Enforced standards for Garda response times to support retailers in a timely manner.
  5. A streamlined process for the quick return of stolen goods to help businesses recover their losses.

The event will be attended by more than 100 retailers, along with key figures such as Emer Higgins, Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Jim O’Callaghan, TD, Fianna Fáil, and Padraic Jones, Chief Superintendent of An Garda Síochána (Legislation & Crime Response). 

These officials will listen to the concerns of the retail community, who are facing increasing threats to their businesses, staff, and customers.

Read more: ‘Stop Crime Against Retailers’ conference panelists announced



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