Sundae satisfaction

New Magnum Ghana has a layer of milk chocolate, made with 36% cocoa, with hazelnut ice cream and milk chocolate sauce beneath
New Magnum Ghana has a layer of milk chocolate, made with 36% cocoa, with hazelnut ice cream and milk chocolate sauce beneath

Manufacturers’ commitment to providing value is helping to ensure that the ice cream category continues to fulfil Ireland’s sweet tooth, writes Gillian Hamill


Brand Central

18 April 2011

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Ice creamAt a glance: ICE CREAM

  • The Irish ice cream market is valued at approx E118.7m million (excluding Dunnes Stores)*
    The out of home impulse singles market is worth E56.4 million, and Unilever holds a market share of 79.3 % (value)*
    The take home ice cream sector is currently worth E56 million, with Unilever holding a market share of 69.3% in value terms* (*Source: AC Nielsen, Total Market excl. Dunnes Stores, Value, MAT Feb 20 2011)
    Mintel’s Global New Products Database (GNPD) finds that on a global scale, premium lines accounted for 9% of global ice cream product launches in the past six months, compared to economy new product launches which accounted for 4%.
    In the past six months, 13% of all global product launches have touted a “no additives/preservatives” claim
    HB Hazelbrook Farm is Ireland’s favourite ice cream with 75.9%* market share of the standard ice cream sector (Source: AC Nielsen Extended Scantrack  20 Feb 2011)
    Magnum is Ireland’s number one indulgent ice cream brand with a 55% market share (Source: AC Nielsen)
    Mars ice cream is the number two brand in the Irish market
    Dale Farm, alongside partner brands Nestle and Cadburys ice creams, has committed to keeping its whole range at 2009 prices
    Dale Farm’s Choc Ice bar will keep the same RSP, and also be 20% bigger
    Dale Farm and its partner brands have kept many prices below E1, and last year reduced retail prices on major impulse lines, such as Vanilla Cup and Cadburys Flake Cone
    Smooch has launched a “shake bar” solution for the retail format
    Ben & Jerry’s has a 62.3%* share of super premium ice cream making it the leader within this sector (Source: AC Nielsen Extended Scantrack  20 Feb 2011)

Premium ice creams are helping to drive the overall category forwards, according to market analyst Mintel. Research on ice cream sales across the European markets shows that sales have actually risen considerably in the past year.  

According to Mintel, consumer perceptions of ice cream as an ‘affordable luxury’ have outweighed thriftiness and health considerations in the recent economic difficulties of the past year. To take the example of the UK, premium ice cream has proved hugely successful and now accounts for just under a quarter of value sales.

A permissible treat

According to Ana Lourenco, global market navigator analyst at Mintel: “The idea of ice cream as a ‘permissible treat’ has been taken on board by manufacturers, who have focused on more premium and ‘indulgent’ lines in the past year, helping drive market value forwards.


“Because ice cream is regarded as an occasional treat – over half of ice cream eaters indulge at most once a month – it has been relatively unaffected by a marked trend in general towards healthier eating. Low-fat ice cream is almost a contradiction in terms, since a creamy taste is a major reason for eating it. Therefore, the strongest ‘health’ trend in global NPD has been towards ice cream free from additives and preservatives, rather than lower in calories.”

The premuimisation trend for ice cream does not just stop in Europe however. Mintel’s Global New Products Database (GNPD) finds that on a global scale, premium lines accounted for 9% of global ice cream product launches in the past six months, compared to economy new product launches which accounted for 4%.

Health and value still important

Yet while ice cream is increasingly being seen as an affordable indulgence, the analyst states consumers still express an interest in healthier products. Manufacturers have answered, with 13% of all global product launches in the past six months touting a “no additives/preservatives” claim. This trend can also be clearly seen within the Irish market, where brands are keen to point out that they use only quality ingredients.

Furthermore, when it comes to flavour, it seems that consumer taste for chocolate transcends nations and cultures. Chocolate was the most popular flavour for ice cream launches in 2009 across five major European countries; the UK, Spain, Germany, Italy and France. Indeed, over a third (32%) of the total ice cream products launched in the UK in 2009 were chocolate flavour, compared with 31% in Spain, 22% in Italy, 17% in Germany and 16% in France.

Value for money is also ever more important for consumers, who are looking to make their shopping budgets go further and just under 7 million UK consumers feel that multi-pack ice cream bars are good value for money.

New Magnum Ghana has a layer of milk chocolate, made with 36% cocoa, with hazelnut ice cream and milk chocolate sauce beneath

New Magnum Ghana has a layer of milk chocolate, made with 36% cocoa, with hazelnut ice cream and milk chocolate sauce beneath

Indulging in the impulse sector

Magnum ice cream is the number one adult indulgent ice cream brand in the impulse sector and is without a doubt Ireland’s favourite indulgent ice cream known for its indulgent and high quality ingredients.  It is a strong market leader maintaining its number one position year after year with 55% market share (AC Nielsen).

In 2011 Magnum, the brand synonymous with indulgent pleasure, unveiled a new ice cream as part of its new Rainforest Alliance Certified Magnum Cocoa range – made with specially selected cocoa beans sourced from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms in Ghana. New Magnum Ghana contains a generous layer of milk chocolate – made with 36% cocoa with the hazelnut ice cream and milk chocolate sauce beneath.

The launch will be supported by a heavyweight marketing communication plan, the highlight of which will be a dedicated TV campaign complimented by outdoor, in store activity and PR campaign.

Magnum believes that a day without pleasure is a day lost – So in April Magnum is running an on pack promotion entitled ‘Win day after day of pure pleasure.‘ The prize is one pleasure experience to be won each day (start April – end June). There will also be a pleasure experience to be won each week from start July – end September. Find out more at

X Pop lollies have a bubble gum flavour topping dipped in popping candies

X Pop lollies have a bubble gum flavour topping dipped in popping candies

Enigmatic character

2011 brings more excitement to Cornetto Enigma with the launch of Cornetto Enigma Chocolate & Caramel, with caramel sauce running through the middle, covered by dark chocolate ice cream and topped with toffee pieces. Chocolate & Caramel is available only in multipack and retails at E3.49. Cornetto will be supported with TV, digital and mobile commencing in May.

X marks the spot

2011 sees some exciting new additions to the HB kids range.  Kids are looking for excitement and this is well served by generating new news in the sector. This is key for meeting the needs of kids and keeping the sector in growth and thus adding value to the category. X Pop is an Orange, Strawberry, Lemon and Cola flavour ice lolly with a bubble gum flavour topping dipped in popping candies. As it contains no artificial colours and flavours and only 50 calories per ice cream it ticks all mums’ needs.

Solero ice cream has a new, improved formulation, with an enhanced nutritional profile, new look and real fruit pieces

Solero ice cream has a new, improved formulation, with an enhanced nutritional profile, new look and real fruit pieces

Freezer favourites

HB has lots to offer for the family freezer this year with great innovation in its Multipack range. Funny Finger offer everyone’s favourite That Away product in a handy take home format, giving an ice cream treat for all members of the family. Each pack contains six orange, strawberry and lemon-lime flavour ice lollies in a hand shape.  As with all HB multipacks this multipack contains no artificial colours or flavours.

In 2011 HB is relaunching Solero ice cream with a new, improved formulation, and an enhanced nutritional profile, new look and real fruit pieces.

There is an increased fruit content of Solero Exotic Explosion, from 23% to 37.5%, allowing the ice cream to contain real fruit pieces with 50% fruit and fruit juice in the outer sorbet coating. The overall reformulation has also resulted in reducing the overall calorie content from 99 to 90 calories. Each multipack contains three 90ml sticks and retails at E3.38.

HB Hazelbrook Fair leads the standard ice cream sector with a 75.9%* market share

HB Hazelbrook Farm leads the standard ice cream sector with a 75.9%* market share

Making the most of milk

Enjoyed since 1926, HB Hazelbrook Farm is Ireland’s favourite ice cream with 75.9%* market share of the standard ice cream sector (Source: AC Nielsen Extended Scantrack  20 Feb 2011). The entire HB Hazelbrook Farm range is made using fresh milk and is free from artificial colours and flavours so it really is ‘Making the most of milk’.  It’s also surprisingly lower in fat than you might think, with around 5g fat per two scoop serving. 2011 sees fantastic innovation being added to the Hazelbrook Farm portfolio with the launch of two new additions to the 1L range –  Chocolaloco and Frantic Fudge.  Each of these variants contain a combination of two ice creams swirled together with either cookies or fudge pieces.

A premium treat

Ben & Jerry’s has 62.3%* share of super premium ice cream making it the clear leader within this sector (Source: AC Nielsen Extended Scantrack  20 Feb 2011). Fairtrade and flavour loving Ben & Jerry’s has done it again with its latest flavour addition Coconutterly Fair. Falling from the flavour tree this year, Coconutterly Fair has chocolate ice cream with a rich coconut-caramel swirl and chocolatey covered coconut caramel crunch, and that’s not even the sweetest part, it’s Fairtrade certified.  

New from Mars, Milky Way Magic Stars, have only 68 Kcal per portion

New from Mars, Milky Way Magic Stars, have only 68 Kcal per portion

Tastes out of this world  

With summer just around the corner people will be looking to get out and about and make the most of the long summer evenings.

Mars ice cream is the clear number two in the Irish market. Its business combines the best of what Mars stands for: great brands, delivering great taste to consumers, across all occasions. All products are leading brand names which are amongst the most heavily advertised in the snackfood industry. Mars says it uses only quality ingredients like real dairy ice cream providing an authentic Mars taste experience.  The brand’s ambition in 2011 is to deliver a greater level of success.
Firstly, by building distribution of its top selling SKUs.

Secondly, by extending its portfolio with new products, led by Milky Way Magic Stars. With only 68 kcal per portion, Mars believes this new product is set to be a winner.

Finally, Mars looks for opportunities to work more closely with account partners by supporting both existing and new packs, with increased focus and impact in-store.

Smooch states its milkshakes can generate an incremental increase in sales of soft-serve ice cream

Smooch states its milkshakes can generate an incremental increase in sales of soft-serve ice cream

Shake up your sales

The trend of “milkshake bars” reached Ireland last year, with shakes being a popular product on the ice cream market. In order to assist shops capitalise on the milkshake opportunity, Smooch launched a “shake bar” solution for the retail format. Smooch fits new milkshake bar areas or for smaller premises the company offers a compact milkshake station. Bright colours, mouth-watering imagery of milkshakes and ultra cool cup give the Smooch shake bar striking visual appeal and great presence in-store.

Smooch states its creamy milkshakes deliver outstanding margin whilst offering great value and a fun choice to consumers. An extra service such as having a dedicated milkshake bar area in-store will turn your shop into a destination outlet. Milkshakes are a revenue booster at a minimum effort.  Just blend Smooch ice cream with your customer’s

Smooch has launched a “shake bar” solution for the retail format.

Smooch has launched a “shake bar” solution for the retail format.

favourite chocolate bar or fruit puree. Heavily supported with a wide range of point of sale items and promotional activity, Smooch milkshakes represent a leading source for incremental increase in sales of soft-serve ice cream.

Dairyglen Products Ltd. is a long-standing Irish supplier of Smooch real dairy ice cream, renowned for its superior creamy taste and high quality natural ingredients. Smooch was the first to offer Irish retailers a branded unit giving stores an instant parlour, and this year Smooch is set to revolutionise the ice cream market with the introduction of its “shake bar” areas for the retail format.

For more details, contact Dairyglen Products Ltd, in Dublin on 01 286 5000 and in Cork on 021 453 3861. Alternatively, you can email or visit the websites; and

Choc IceFarm fresh favourites

In the fast changing ice cream category, Dale Farm continues to develop its portfolio with its latest additions to the company’s wide range of impulse and take-home products.

Adding to its successful premium Rapture real ice cream products, Dale Farm is introducing a new Rapture Roll, with luxurious real dairy ice cream encased in a continental wafer roll with chocolate coated ends. Commenting on this latest addition to the Dale Farm ice cream portfolio, Patrick Morgan, commercial manager ice cream, stated. “This is a superb new

Launched in an impulse version only last year, Dale Farm says its Ice Break bar has proved hugely successful to date

Launched in an impulse version only last year, Dale Farm says its Ice Break bar has proved hugely successful to date

product, which offers the luxurious taste of real dairy ice cream in a distinctly new format. It also offers retailers a real point of difference in a crowded category.”

Dale Farm is also adding a new 90ml water ice, called Helter Skelter, to its impulse range, which combines the four real fruit flavours of orange, strawberry, pineapple and lemon.

Giant BarOther new additions to the Dale Farm ice cream stable are a high impact range of multi-packs. Not only has Dale Farm developed the multi-pack formats of well-established favourites such as Choc Ice and Giant Bar, there is also the extension into a six-pack format of the hugely successful Ice Break ice cream snack bar, the impulse version of which was only launched last year.

Dale Farm is also showing its commitment to the trade, along with its partner brands Nestle and Cadburys Ice creams, in keeping prices at 2009 levels. This will be especially relevant to brands such as its Choc Ice, which will not only keep the same RSP, but will also be 20% bigger, therefore offering consumers a value-for-money treat.

Third highest consumption

Ireland has the third highest ice cream consumption per capita in Europe, after Sweden and Finland.

The Irish ice cream market is valued at approx E118.7 million (excluding Dunnes Stores) and can be broken down into two main categories:

1. Out of home impulse singles, e.g. Iceberger, Cornetto, Magnum worth E56.4 million. Unilever holds a market share of 79.3 % (value).
2. Take home, e.g. HB pint brick, worth E56 million, Unilever holds a market share of 69.3% (value).

HB is Ireland’s number one ice cream brand with 73.9% value and 76.4% volume share. (MAT)

HB is a clear market leader representing the top 10 impulse ice cream brands in Ireland.

2011 looks set to one of HB’s best years yet with an extremely strong range of NPD to tantalise everyone’s taste buds.
(Source: AC Nielsen, Total Market excl. Dunnes Stores, Value, MAT Feb 20 2011)

Q&A with…

HB Ice Cream brand manager, Impulse Singles,Colette Coughlan

Has HB continued to introduce new product innovation within the ice cream category in recent times?

Growing new product innovation within the ice cream category has been a priority for HB in recent times.  It is key to sustaining our success and share of voice in the market, particularly in these continuing challenging economic times. HB’s philosophy has always been to be innovative, creative and a little bit different in terms of our products. 2011 is continued proof of this – we are really excited about the launch of the new Magnum Ghana which is part of the new Rainforest Alliance range. 

Do you believe HB offers consumers a strong value-for-money proposition?

Absolutely. In recent times, HB has actively reduced prices for the customer. We are very conscious of the current climate and how customers are seeking value for money more than ever. We believe that each and every one of our products delivers satisfaction, pleasure and ultimate value for a small price. In terms of an instant treat and seeking pleasure and happiness – there is no better value than an HB ice cream – nowadays it’s all about the simple things that deliver in terms of treating yourself to little pleasures and value and our ice creams are satisfying customers strongly on both counts.

What will your consumer marketing campaigns involve throughout 2011?  

We are going bigger and better than ever with our ‘Random Acts of Happiness’ campaign. We know through our research at HB that ice cream makes people happy. We wanted to build on this and bring happiness alive throughout the country in a fun way by encouraging people to make someone happier by giving them an ice cream! We are focusing on the best-loved HB ice creams such as Iceberger, Loop the Loop, Brunch and Choc Ice. The campaign is going to be everywhere this summer with a strong TV, radio, outdoor, digital, experiental and PR plan commencing in April. We have appointed comedian and actor Jarlath Regan to the role of “Happiness Ambassador”. Jarlath will become a central character to HB’s Random Acts of Happiness campaign. You won’t be able to avoid HB’s happiness in 2011! We will have promotions, online activity and through the line marketing right throughout the year.

2011 sees a fantastic campaign to support the launch of Hazelbrook Farm’s two new additions to the 1 litre range –  Chocolaloco and Frantic Fudge!  Each of these variants contain a combination of two delicious ice creams swirled together with either cookies or fudge pieces. The plan will be supported by TV, radio, PR, online and in-store activation.

Do you believe your products deliver appealing packaging?

First impressions still count, especially when attracting new customers and we are proud of our diverse range of colourful, eye-catching packaging. We feel too, that our evolving creativity and innovative on-pack promotions, help create an important brand connection with the customer.

How do you ensure your products have the healthy credentials that will appeal to parents?

This is very important to us. We have strived in recent years to ensure that our products have the healthy credentials that appeal to our consumers.  Our new Xpop, a delicious Orange, Strawberry, Lemon and Cola flavour ice lolly contains no artificial colours or flavours and only 50 calories! This is sure to become a firm favourite with parents and kids alike and will establish itself well in the HB portfolio. The entire HB Hazelbrook Farm range is made using fresh milk and is free from artificial colours and flavours so it really is ‘Making the Most of Milk’. It’s also surprisingly lower in fat than you might think, with around 5g fat per two scoop serving. 

Q&A with…

Patrick Morgan, commercial manager, Dale Farm Ice Cream

How has Dale Farm continued to introduce new product innovations?
We take great pride in constantly refreshing our portfolio, and every year we add new products to our range to meet and exceed consumer habits. Last year we launched the hugely successful Ice Break and Milk Choc Ice products, and this year we are extending them into a multi-pack format.

What new products is the company launching?
Adding to our successful range of premium Rapture real ice cream products we are introducing a fantastic new Rapture Roll, with luxurious real dairy ice cream encased in a continental wafer roll with chocolate coated ends. This will create a new format for consumers to enjoy and will offer retailers a real point of difference in a crowded category.
We are also adding a new 90ml water ice, called Helter Skelter to our impulse range, which combines the four real fruit flavours of orange, strawberry, pineapple and lemon.

Do you believe Dale Farm offers consumers value?

With such a marked shift within the ice cream category towards take-home products, such as multi-packs, we are showing our commitment to the trade, along with our partner brands Nestle and Cadburys Ice creams, in keeping our whole range at 2009 prices. This will be especially relevant to brands such as Choc Ice, which will not only keep the same RSP – however will also be 20% bigger, therefore offering consumers an even better value treat!

Especially as consumers and shoppers become more price aware in this economic climate, we have managed to keep many prices below E1, and indeed last year we took the step of reducing retail prices on major impulse lines, such as Vanilla Cup and Cadburys Flake Cone.

Additionally, our multi-pack range, including the three new additions are very competitively priced and all offer consumers value and a saving on the equivalent impulse purchase. 



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